Please click here to read our draft Positive Behaviour Policy which was co-created with pupils, parents and staff.
The Senior Management Team and Support staff issue golden tickets for children displaying positive behaviour and achievements. There are individual Golden Tickets which are worth 1 point and whole class tickets which get 10 points. Golden Tickets are counted weekly at assemblies and the class with the most earn an extra playtime at an appropriate time during the week. Examples of the types of behaviour that will earn a Golden Ticket are:
- Playing well
- Looking after playground resources
- Helping others
- Including others in their games
- Lining up when play time ends
Each class in the school uses Class Dojo, an online platform for awarding children points for displaying postitive behaviour and working hard. Parents and pupils are able to access their own points through using a password that they can get from their teacher. These points are counted weekly and the pupil with the most becomes the Pupil of the Week. Rewards for this are co-created by each individual class.