Education Scotand Literacy Page

Read all about Literacy and Curriculum for Excellence and browse the Experiences and Outcomes.


Active Literacy – A Parents Guide

Active Literacy is used at all stages in the school to teach phonics, spelling, reading and writing.


North Lanarkshire Council – Active Literacy Website]


Falkirk Council’s Literacy Strategy

This site includes lots of information on Active Literacy and the different teaching approproaches being used at each stage.



Bug Club

Bug Club is our whole school reading scheme.  More information can be found on the powerpoint used at a parents information session.  Please click to here download.  Click the link to access your childs reading book and comprehension work.



Big Writing

Big Writing is used at all stages in the school.  Children are encouraged to think about their Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation (VCOP) when they are writing.  Take a look at the Andrell website for more information.



Woodland Junior Primary Literacy

This website has activities and games for children of all ages.


Oxford Owl

This website if great for accessing more online reading.  Lots of free books at various levels.


Teach Your Monster To Read

A great website for children to practice phonics and reading. 



Busy Things

Another great website with lots of activities and games for all areas of the curriculum.


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